Kartalis Constantinos
Constantinos Cartalis is Professor and Director of the Department of Environmental Physics of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. He holds Bachelor’s degree in Physics from the University of Athens, Masters in Atmospheric Science, Masters in Aerospace Engineering and PhD in Atmospheric Science, all from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
He is member of the Bureau of the Subsidiary Body of UNFCCC for the Implementation of the Climate Convention and the Paris agreement. He also acts as member of (a) the Mission Assembly of the European Commission (EC) on Climate Neutral and Smart Cities and (b) of the EC Working Group of experts on Cultural Heritage and adaptation to climate change. He is Principal Investigator of the European Space Agency for earth observation based services for climate smart cities and sustainable urbanization and collaborating Professor of the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East (EMME) Climate Change Research Program.
He acts as chairman of the working group of the Ministry of Culture on “Climate Change and Cultural Heritage” and member of the steering committee of the Center of Excellence of the University of Athens on “Climate Change – Adaptation and Mitigation”.
Has served as Member of the Scientific Committee as well as of the Management Board of the European Environment Agency, Vice President of the International Bureau of Education – UNESCO. Also as Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee for the Environment (2010-2012), Member of the Parliament of Greece (2007-2012) and Secretary General at the Ministry of Culture (2001-2004).
Has published 101 papers in international peer review scientific journals.